Monday, 28 November 2011

In which things get rather posh

No, for any of you who were wondering, I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  I have in fact been rather busy and important (at least in my own head).

Here's the run down of what we've been up to the last couple of weeks:

London Symphony Orchestra concert at the Barbican Hall in London.  Gareth Davies played the Nielsen Flute Concerto (that's not him above).

Jenny and I at dinner before the concert.

The goofy bunch that inexplicably came to sit down across from us.

I got in touch with my artisanal side and made bread.

We went to lunch at the private country estate turned hotel/restaurant Eastwell Manor

The dining room

View from atop the staircase

View from my seat at the table

Followed by this thing of beauty (and tastiness)

The company

The gigglers

And in the tradition of saving the best for last, the amazing bathroom!  Hard to get a full sense of it here (I resisted the temptation to take pictures of the actual stalls, which were beautiful as well) but it really was quite heavenly - I could have hung out there for hours very happily!
As far as class is concerned, we've had two more guest masterclasses in the studio - Juliet Edwards, piano and Pat Morris, piccolo - both very informative and enjoyable.  We spent my birthday this last Wednesday at the Royal Academy of Music listening to a William Bennett's masterclass (and doing a very, very, VERY tiny bit of shopping).

And we had a bit of a "Thanksgiving" celebration on Saturday - for which we ate cheese fondue (?)  I was granted leave, however, to bake and bring a pecan pie for the occasion just for a tiny hint of Americana (all things in moderation).

Off to Rome on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, more updates!

    Oh wow, Eastwell Manor looks gorgeous. I'm glad you're busy and feeling important, keep it up! :D And goodness, I can't wait for your post about Rome..
